
Wednesday 19 August 2020

why spend billions traveling into mars when we have fixing on earth: wirting task


  1. Hi Hesioni,
    Thanks for completing half the tasks on these slides. You can noe write your agree and disagree statements followed by writing your final opinion. Keep up the learning from home Hesioni. Well done.

  2. Hiya Hesioni,
    I'm Annelise from Otaki College, we're your blogger buddies :)
    You're post is cool! The colours are great, its balanced by having good and interesting information while not becoming boring. You've made a good point- Why should spend billions travelling to Mars when Earth needs fixing?- and its an interesting argument. Maybe next time you could write an explanation for the post, i.e some things you found challenging, some things you enjoyed etc.
    Overall, cool post.
    Annelise :)

    1. Thank you to i am also happy for your comment it is amazing im gonna be blogging on your blog to :) 0_0 >_< O_<

  3. Hi Hesioni,
    I'm Giorgio from Otaki college.
    You have a really interesting point, and I agree that Earth needs fixing. Remember to always double check your writing because some parts didn't make much sense. Overall amazing post good job.

    1. hello thank you for commenting on my blog your comment was fantastic i am happy that you commented on my work i will comment on your blog today!!!! :) 0_0 >_< :D

  4. Hi Hesioni I am Mahana from your class and i really like your work cause you have a lot of great things like how do we get to mars and what will happen if mars fail and we will have to go back to Earth cause the mars will be to little for all of the people to fit in and then will why would we want to go to mars when we have to live in the sea and fix everything else have a great day and i hope you keep up your good work :)
