
Thursday 23 July 2020

my summery of Carla's Sandwich

hi my summery is on the next slide


  1. Malo Hesioni,
    You have written a very clear summary of the story. Well done and I think the message you have identified from the story is really important and it's something I thought about as well when I listened to this story for the first time. Ka Pai.

  2. Hello Hesioni this is Mahana I like your Carla's sandwich summery i like the part when Buster try out her weird sandwich and then after Buster try it then everyone else try some as well and they all liked it keep up your great work

  3. Hello Hesioni this Kavel one of your best friends and I like how long your summary is and how much time you put into your work I think you should of added more pictures and just saying brang isn't a word but keep up the great and hard work. 😁👌👍

  4. Hi Hesioni I really enjoyed reading your summary on carles samwhitch you did your summary without a fuss keep up the good work. :)

  5. Malo Hesioni I really ed-admire your work it is amazing and cool keep writing and keep working stay cool and safe have a happy day.

  6. Hi my name is Patrick I like how you were learning about summary it looks so cool and amazing
