
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Cybersmart Infographic


  1. Tena koe, Hesioni. You have done a great job. I love the pictures you have chosen. If there is a red line under a word it means that it is spelled wrong. Have you checked your spelling?

  2. kia ora Hesioni. I really like your pictures and colours that you have chosen. Next time you could make your work a bit bigger. Why did you put hard colours to read because its to small???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. malo lei lei hesionii really like your reading infogragh next time can you make your words biggerwhy are your colours differnt?

  5. tena koe hesioni nice work. can you change the colours because it is hard to read and make it bigger please?

  6. Hi Hesioni I really like your work and because ot has a really good picture and it is really good and really cool and I really like your carring for my chromebook and because it has really good colors and I most like the green color.
